Official-TV-online complete RIP-OFF! Ordered detox pads, sent money, got NOTHING! New York

Health & Medicine

In early May, I researched detox pads & The official-tv-online site had the best deal (or so I thought!). I ordered them & waited. Finally, I tried to call the number that I finally found after intensive searching & of course, got an answering machine with a supposed customer service girl named Christine. I left a message which no one responded to. Called Christine again, this time with a few choice words & still no response. I emailed them also, but again, no response. I did get an email receipt which had a different email address,

If anyone has any suggestions as to what I can do to get my money back, please let me know! I will go to my bank today & see what they say.

PLEASE, DO NOT order anything from these people! I think they have taken their site off temporarily. They've probably made a fortune & are in the Bahamas by now.

Company: Official-TV-Online
Country: USA
Phone: 6312843226
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RHS Enterprises LLC Product never shipped and despite attempts to contact, no response.

OFFICIAL T.V. ONLINE - NY Internet Technologies LLC
OFFICIAL TV ONLINE - NY Internet Technologies Stole my money

Official TV Online
Made an order for detox pads and never received

Official Tv Online,,
Official Tv Online,, WELL MY 5 YR. Son is autistic and has lead pois! So i was looking for something that is safe for him i came cross this site about, the amazing foot detoxification pads

Official TV Online
I oredered an advertised product, "Detox Pads" and was charged but never received the product

Interested in the Foot Detoxification pads I ordered them online, expecting to recieve soon.instead I recvd. A message stating because these pads, 100% authentic, are coming from Japan expect a delay. Christina Contact person Internet

Official TV Online
Ripoff on The Amazing Foot Detoxification Pads

Official TV Online
They took my money and never delivered! California california

Official TV Online
Never shipped merchandise

Official TV On-line
Order merchandise, never received Riverhead New York