Wu Yi Tean & Living Lean
Cancelled but charged $19.95!

Health & Medicine

Here is a lie by the company. I was charged and alot!!! $19.95


We have already cancelled your order and removed your card from our autoship program. You will not be charged and you will not be receiving any shipments of tea.

We have not charged you anything else then the initial $6.95 shipping cost.

I can tell you that although it may not be for everyone, Wu-Yi slimming tea personally helped me to lose weight and gave me an incredible rush of new life. I hate to see you go but I'd like to thank you for considering us! We'd be happy to have you as a customer whenever you're ready.

Wu-Yi Source Support Team

P.S. I'll be your Wu-Yi Source personal contact, so feel free to email me with any future inquiries you may have and I will be happy to assist you.

These are sneaky liars who are out to steal your money!!!

Company: Wu Yi Tean & Living Lean
Country: USA
Phone: 18664495567
Site: www.wu-yisource.com/stock_updatenew.php
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Wu Yi Source I signed up for weight loss tea with a full money back guarentee. I sent back the tea as instructed but was charged $37.00 plus $7.00 shipping for recieving and $7.00 for sending it back. Ontario

IW/Living lean Las Vegas NV
Unauthorized transaction

Easyweightlosstea.com - Wu Yi Tea
Please do not trust them as I did. They charge me for more then what they said they would for the $4.95 trial Tea

Wu-Yi Source
And Living LeanWu-Yi Source I was charged 20.45$ to my credit card from living lean which is some how associated with Wu-Yi Source. I did not agree to pay this nor had I ever heard of Living Lean. Nicosia

Wi-Yi Tea - Living Lean - Sarah Nicholson
Wi-Yi Tea - Living Lean, Email: Teahelp@usa.com - Sarah Nicholson I was informed I was removed from the auto-ship program and I would not be receiving any further shipments. They are greedy liars. I have been charged. Ontario

Wu-yi Source
Wu-yi Source and Living Lean are a scam. The Tea does not work and i got nothing from Living Lean but billed $19.95 a month. Cancelling the tea does not cancel Living Lean which you are automatically signed up at order time

Wu-Yi Source Living Lean In Las Vegas
Living Lean in Las Vegas a Scam

Living Lean Las Vegas - Wu Yi Source
Living Lean Las Vegas - Wu Yi Tea UNAUTHORIZED CHARGES!

WuYi Source Living Lean Las Vegas
WuYi Source / Living Lean Las Vegas Weight Loss tea a fraud! I was charged $37.00 two weeks after paying the shipping charge I sent back half of the tea and was not refunded and then cancelled my membership. They charge my account a total of $148.62!

Wu-Yi Tea
WU-YI Tea is a Ripoff, low grade oolong tea that is available for pennies, does not help in weight loss