Bally's Total Fitness
My wife was lied to about closer to her account. Now 4 years later collections is calling about their money

Health & Medicine

My wife was on a free trial with Bally's 4 years ago. She signed up when all you had to put down was a dollar. It allowed her a free month's trail but she had to come at least 7 times for the contract to be legitimate. She came over 7 times. I'm just finding out less than a year ago that she owes the company over $2000. This account was canceled before the 30 days and I was there along with another Bally's employee when the process was taking place. BAlly's had a nerve to say she didn't go to the gym for 7 time minimum, thats jive! Oh yeah. I worked for Bally's for almost 2 years and I met my wife there, so I know the inside corruption, managers and employees left for this reason.

To make a long story short they want us to settle for P percent off, which is around $1100. Why would I pay this amount if I know this account was canceled. The only problem I have now is that the written documentation that was submitted for cancellation was possibly misplaced when I moved from Philly after graduation. I still keep in contact with management and other employees that were around during that time but will that really help me if they wanted to take it the next level?

Company: Bally's Total Fitness
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: 1510 Chestnut Street
Phone: 2154686741
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