ColonCure - Nubodi
Charge $89.31 for product without authorization and not refund money

Health & Medicine

I ordered the "free trial" and they sent me an extra bottle and charged me $89 for it and I didn't authorize them to. Call the number, which isn't toll free, and can't get through to anybody.

Company: ColonCure - Nubodi
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 2711 East Craig Road Suite K
Phone: 8012087485
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For ColonCure Unethical company ensures product pysically gets to you after free trial period so they can legally charge you $89 Las Vegas

Colon Cure Or SWM/NUBODI
ColonCure Or SWM/NUBODI On Credit Card Statement I ordered a FREE sample trial of ColonCure for $3.95 and the terms said if I did not cancel with 14 days after the trial, I would be charged $87.31 each month thereafter

SWM/Nubodi ColonCurei
SWM/Nubodi ColonCure Charged to my Visa didn't deliver product or cancel charges

Nubodi - coloncure nubodi or just sameold scams? Cant call the cancel number high call volumes

ColonCure SWM/NUBODI Can't contact to cancel and request a refund

Nubodi - coloncure
Colon cure is a rip-off, has taken 87.00 first time then 89.31 next. Can't get ahold of them to cancel!

Coloncure-swm - Nubodi
COLONCURE Unauthorized charges on Credit Card Scam

NuBodi - ColonCure
Deception of cost on leading net article

Colon Cure, Swm/nubodi
COLON Cure, SWM/NUBODI They send a free sample and say if you want to cancel to call a phone number. Nobody answers! Las Vegas

ColonCure, Nubodi,
14 day cancellation but only phone number (on product) was disconnected