Rip off... Scam Artists... Poor Customer Service

Health & Medicine

I placed an order for TurboJams on Jan 12 after watching one of the infomercials... I ordered the Maximum Results and the Fat Burning Elite which came with the FREE Express Delivery in 5-7 days... When my order never showed after 3 weeks I placed a call to the customer service where I was on the phone for 20 minutes before being told that 1 of my orders was backordered and wouldnt ship until at least 2-14-08 and that they would remove 1/2 the shipping charges for the inconvience... My email confirmation from 1-13-08 said that I would be charged $112.54..

Fast forward to 2-14-08 when I look at my bank statement and I was charged $124.00... I once again call and was given the run around for 45 minutes. With the shipping charge reimbursed my bill should have been $106.00... After getting frustrated and yelling at the guy on the phone i asked to speak to a supervisor who was more worthless than the first. No one could explain to me why they send out 1 email with the charges and then charge another. I finally asked for another number to which they gave me the corporate number... I call that number and again go through the same thing... This time I get another supervisor that tells me to email him the confirmation and that he would look into it and reimburse me the $18.00..

I emailed him on 2-14,2-20 and 2-27... As of ysterday i only received $6.00 of the total... This company is so poorly run and their customer service SUCKS!!! Half the time you cant even understand the person that you are talking to... I filled out at least 3 surveys for the 4 times that I called and was given the run around... I finally received my DVD's the other day...

After reading other reports, it makes me nervous about the additional charges months later... I never signed up for anything else... Im wondering if I should just go ahead and cancel my card and get a new one...

I would never recommend this company to anyone... Its surprising that they are still in business... Had I heard about this site before I ordered I would never have placed that order...

Country: USA
State: California
City: Torrance
Address: 20100 S Vermont Ave
Phone: 8002070420
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