National Health & Wellness Club
Offered free product testing, but all they really want is your money

Health & Medicine

They draw you in by saying they need people to do product testing at no cost to you. And when your done you get to keep the product free of charge. What they forget to tell you is that you have to pay a membership fee in order to do this, $24.00, not too bad right? Than they send you these crappy little magazines, and tell you that is what the $24.00 is for. Now They want you to send them more membership money, and buy these health books in order to do the product testing. Well, this is not what I signed up for, and they will never see a penny from me. This is just another way to scam money from honest people.

Company: National Health & Wellness Club
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Minnetonka
Address: 12301 Whitewater Drive
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National Health & Wellness Club, North American Membership Group
National Health & Wellness Club, North American Membership Group This is a book club membership, when I tried to discontinue, I was billed $275.00 for "lifetime membership dues"

National Home Gardening Club
Offers free trials, then bills you for magazines/books and threatens collections

National Health & Wellness Club
Alternative Liedto me for 6 months about why I couldn't log into their website with my lifetime membership ID#. Zach said an email would be sent to me by 12/1 when the website was up and running. I tried callin

Institute For Health & Wellness
Consumer Report

American Homeowner Organization
Dishonest advertising pretends to be a company for consumer testing but doesn't do this

National Health & Wellness Club
Life Long Member With No Service, Response, Nothing!

National Health & Wellness Club, Blocking me from logging in, telephoning, sending email. Ignoring all attempts to login to enjoy my rights as LifeTime Member

Institute For Health & Wellness
Consumer Report

National Home Gardening Club
National Street Machine Club Magazine deceptive advertising, attempt to bait and switch

Eastman Kodak Company
Takes 3 vials of employee blood