Intelligender is a waste of money

Health & Medicine

As a newly pregnant woman - I was anxious to find out if I was having a girl or a boy.

Since I am a healthy woman under 35 - the first time my doctor's office would give us an ultrasound to determine the sex - was at 20 weeks.

When you are newly pregnant - it seems like 20 weeks will NEVER arrive!

Which is why - we found "Intelligender" - on the net. The test is a urine test - and claims to be "over 90% accurate as early as 8 weeks".

We paid the $39.95 (for a plastic jar with crystals inside of it) - online - and did the test at 12 weeks - and it came back "boy".

We were excited. But - my husband is quite skeptical - so he ordered another test at 16 weeks. The results came back "boy" again.

We were shocked at our 20 week ultrasound to find out we were having a girl.

Just don't waste your money on this. Save it for diapers - and necessities for after the baby is born.

Company: Intelligender
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
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DNA Plus
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CPI World Herbal
Consumer Report

Ripoff boast 99.9% accuracy in baby gender verification, it's more like 50/50
When I took the $49.95 test, I found I had to take the results to my doctor to understand it

Donell Lamar Parker
Ripoff LOSER With A Capital L dumb ignorant lacks common sense DEAD BEAT TO THE 5TH POWER!

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