St. Mary's Hospital
Contracted Staff (MRSA) Infection during Caesarian Section Surgery from hospital, resulting in, Sepsis, heart failure, and near death

Health & Medicine

My Caesarian section was scheduled for January. I went into labor in December. The doctor decided to go ahead and do the C-section. My son was perfectly healthy; everything seemed fine with both of us. After two days in the hospital, we went home. I had the normal aches and pains you would expect to have after a surgery of that kind. But a few days later I had a fever of 99.9 degrees and hurt all over like I had the flu. I called my doctor and was told by the nurse that it didn't sound like there was any reason for concern, that if my fever didn't go away in a couple of days to call back.By the second day, my fever, still had not gone away, and my stomach was getting larger not smaller. I called my doctor again, to find out he had gone on vacation, and was referred to his partner. Thank GOD! This is probably what saved my life. When he heard my symptoms he said get to the ER Immediately.

After the tests were run I found out that I had been infected with MRSA (A staff infection of the worst kind), contracted in the hospital during my surgery, from unclean equipment, etc. I had developed a puss filled ball the size of a grape fruit inside my abdomen between the muscle tissues.

I was promptly sent into surgery, (cut open again), to have the infection drained, and a drainage tube inserted. The infection then entered my blood stream causing Sepsis or Blood Poisoning. Within a few days my heart failed (Congestive heart failure). I was being pumped full of fluids through an IV that my body was unable to get rid of. The fluid dumped it's self into my lungs and I slowly began to suffocate. Over a period of three days and nights (none of which I slept) I told the nurses I could not breathe. I guess they assumed it was nerves because nothing was ever done. Finally on my death bed, I demand to speak to a lung specialist. They schedule an x-ray in the meantime since the doctor can't see me until the morning. I was never told how bad it was but my husband saw the x-ray and he said both my lungs were completely black except for about two inches at the very top. I'm assuming the black was fluid. So an estimated guess is that I was using only about 25% of my lungs capacity. I was given Lasix and taken off the IV drip. Slowly but surely I got better, And eventually got to leave the hospital to go home to my new born baby, who was now 3.5 weeks old.

P. S during this time my son was also infected. Luckily it was on the out side of his body on the skin. His doctor was able to drain it and treat it with topical cream, and oral antibiotics.

There is plenty more to my story, but I believe It is to long as it is.
I did contact a lawyer and was told that the only way I could sue was if I had died, or if there were a class action law suit brought against them. And that my statute of limitations was 2 years.

So if there is a Class Action Lawsuit against St. Mary's Hospital for MRSA (staff infection) for a time period around January I would like further information.

Company: St. Mary's Hospital
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Grand Junction
Address: 2635 N. 7th St
Phone: 9702442273
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