Scam! They will not allow me to cancel subscription after using their free trial. Their phone and E-Mial are unreachable. GGlendale

Health & Medicine

To whom it may concern,
While checking my E-Mail I came across an ad for A product for weight loss. I decided to try their free 14 day trial.
After the 14 days I found that my bank account was over drawn and did not understand Why. I went to the bank and found that my account had been charged $78.00 and change for colonex products.
This company is a freud. You cannot call and reach anyone to cancel the account, and you cannot cancel through E-Mail.
The product is nothing more than Physilium or Metamucil, which you can purchase in the grocery store for $7.00.
I somehow would kike to be reembersed, for this product and for my time spent trying to resolve this situation.

Company: Colonex700
Country: USA
State: California
City: Gendale
Address: 3600 OCEANVIEW#2
Phone: 8664407533
  <     >  


COLONEX - Won't Let You Cancel - DONT ORDER Ripoff

Colonex700 - HoodiaPlus
Ripoff Their promise to help my stomach blotting made my checking account loss dough

Pure Hoodia500 And Colonex700
Scam artists, takes money From your bank accounts - will NOT let you cancel product Internet

Organica Network
NITETRIM ripoff charged my account for product not received

Raw Minerals
Glow I ordered their "free trial" and then found a $90.00 charge to my bank account. This is a fraudulent internet add! And they should be punished! -
They took money out of my account before 14 day trial was up, then next month took more money out and never sent product. So far they have taken out of my account$171.80 and I cannot cancel there is no such web address

Jevene The Essence Of Youth
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Acai Pure
Free Trial Offer, Pay for Shipping costs only... 7 days later, they charge your debit card for more money

Mineral Simplicity
Unable to cancel

New Vitality
Sent product without my permission taken money out my checking for a product before the product reached me Internet