The Ferrari Hair Center Of Philadelphia
Ferrari hair center Ripoff

Health & Medicine

I went to "The Ferrari Hair Center of Philadelphia "TO SEE IF I can find

A tretment for my hair. They were very nice and polite after an hour talking with frank "the manegar"he told me that i need to pay $2600, i told him i have to think about it because its to much for me, i am forien i have apart time job because i go to school for english i don make much money, i want to wait... Then he said "pay 400$ as adeposit and i will apply for u on somthing call "cridet care"and u have to signe a form for that. Moreover if u change my mind i ll give u the deposit back, i did not know that he keeps 2 forms, the first one which i signed is applaying form for the cridet and the second paper looked similer, he told me to sign it. Its like acopy, it was not. Its about that i agree to bay him $2000 by cridetcare and i agree that no refund or cancel for this agrement and he got my signe on that too. Few days later i called him to say that i cant afford thes sessions and treatments, from that time he started to talk unpolitly. After i recived the bill from the cridetcare i was in shooked how he did that i thought he will only keep the deposit, i called him again and again more than 30 times to tell him to give the money back i did not get any products or sessions or any thing to bay i told him to keep the deposite. Also i tried to dispute that amount with cridet care but they said i signed agrement with ferriri center and i have to pay. I borrowed the money from afriend to bay the cridet company i was afraid to have abad credit. I m still working to pay my friend back. I am just wondering is that what i desirve to trust someone and what i did for him to call me "f* off stubit " how many people like him live in the greatest country in the world!!! I feel sorry for anyone who chooses Ferrari. The people who run Ferrari are not good people"they are one family by the way, father, sonand sister. With the tons of money they make off people like me, they are moving their ripoff operation to a larger building to victim more people and they are getting more and more greedy, unhonsty.

Warning: weather you are poor or rich, dont go to Ferrari Hair. They dont care about you or your hair. They only care about making money and they dont care what service they make for people just make money any way i wonder who can stop people like those.

Emilnorristown, Pennsylvania

Company: The Ferrari Hair Center Of Philadelphia
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: 2200 Michener Street, Bldg. 9
Phone: 8668599902
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