Pure Energy Products
Big ripoff Do not Order Trial Size Products BEWARE

Health & Medicine

I ordered the trial size of medicine for shipping cost which was 15 tablets for $4.99. I did not tell them that I wanted anymore but I received two more bottles which had 60 tablets in each bottle and it was in a brown envelope with nothing inside but the pills, no papers explaining anything about it. (BEWARE) When ordering from this company they do not answer the phone when you call all you get is an answering machine that tells you that to leave your name and number and they will get back to you. HA HA that is a good line. They never get back to you. I tried three different telephone numbers and the same recording was on all three saying the same thing. It is a scam do not order from this company. Once they get your credit card number you have been had. Do not send any information like credit card numbers debit cards or any way they can get your money. They will really rip you off and then charge you a large amount of money. I would never recommend this company to anyone.

Company: Pure Energy Products
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
Address: 1025 SW 59th St
Phone: 8666116888
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Pure Energy Products
Unauthorized billing, directly extracting funds from our checking account Ripoff

Pure Energy Products
Fradulent billing Pills do NOT work No response ripoff

Pure Energy Products
Charged my credit card $149.95 without my consent, did not send any products to me.internet

Pure Energy Products
Aka nexgenlabsusa pure energy products

Pure Energy Products
Company turned me into collection when unable to charge to my credit card any longer-fraudulant billing ripoff

Pure Energy Products Aka P.E. Labs
Pure Energy Products aka P.E. Labs offers a free diet pill online ad if you just pay shipping then automatically charges you $149.95. Ripoff

Pure Energy Products
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent billing from USAVEONPILLS

Pure Energy Products
I subscribed to a free trial offer of a energy pill/appetite suppresant. The only thing I was required to pay for was the s&h of $4.95 in

Pure Energy Products Of Oklahoma

Pure Energy Products Of Oklahoma
Ordered a sample and was sent second order and billed $149.95 to my credit card unauthorized Ripoff Oklahoma City Oklahoma