Healthy Discount Card

Health & Medicine

I thought that I was going to only be charged for one month at a time. When I checked my debit card and seen that I had only a little money left I called my credit card company and they gave me their number and I called and canceled the same day. They told me that I had to wait 30 days before my money was back on my card. So I waited the 30 days and nothing was on my card so I called them back and they said to give them a week because that it was something with my credit card number.

So again I called the bank and there wasn't anything wrong with my number. So I kept calling and waiting and nothing happened. I threaten them telling them that I was going to get me a lawyer and still nothing happened. I did this in January and it is September and nothing happened. I see where their phone is always busy now. Then I went to their web site today and see where they have closed. This what it say. has closed.
We thank our many customers for their long support of our wonderful informational website.
All memberships have been cancelled and no customers will be billed in the future.

Hope, Arkansas

Company: Healthy Discount Card
Country: USA
Address: HealthyDiscountCard. Com
Phone: 8006494065
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