Dr Chandrakant Patel
Ripoff Prescribed Amiridinome for about 4-5 yrs. Destroyed nerves in both legs

Health & Medicine

About 4 or 5 years ago Dr Patel prescribed Amiod0rone, a highly taxic drug, his medical notes do not suggest thati suffered from any condition that would have justified the use of Amiodorone. I have complained many times too the Dr. About my inability to walk, and asked him to adjust my medication, he replied if i change it you will die. On Jan. 17th of 2006 i went to him about adjuating my medication he replied " STOP THE AMIODORONE NOW ". I then went to Neurolisist who after testing found i had Periphaeral Neuropthy in my legs caused by use Amiodorone and the dosage 400-300 mgs per day for over 4 years.

Company: Dr Chandrakant Patel
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Sebring
Address: 4639 Sun N Lakes Blvd
Phone: 8634711010
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Veterans Administration
Taking Prescribed Risperidone for over 10 years (above year should be 1997)

Chandrakant Patel
Harass, Debt Collector, Illegal practices

Family Medical Walk-in clinic
Dr. William Baird Dr. Baird Nearly Killed Me from the Medication He Perscribed, Blamed Me for it!

Dr Jay Patel, we Care Medical Group
Dr Jay Patel, we Care Medical Group we care medical group dr. Jay patel funny billing pratices and un eitheal pratice

Forest Labs - SSRI & Antidepressant Drug Manufacturers CELEXA Aka Forest Pharmaceuticals
SSRI & Antidepressant Drug Manufacturers CELEXA Aka Forest Pharmaceuticals, Forest Labs WARNING: Use of SSRI or Antidepressant Drugs (Celexa, Paxil, Prozac, etc.) VISION LOSS, VISION CHANGES, ABNORMAL VISION, VISUAL FIELD DEFECTS, PARTIAL BLINDNESS ripoff

Southern Chester City Pharmacy / USA Choice Meds
Scam Artist! Stole my information from a real on-line pharmacy, defrauded me, and sent medication I wasn't prescribed & never heard of. Thank God I checked the bottle

Eddie Patel Registered Investment Advisor
Fraudulant Please - This Ghanshyambhai is not me (He is a shame to Patel's)

Scott E. Talbot
Misdiagnosis, dishonest, prescribed medicine that I suffered unexplained consequences and will continue to suffer, walk out of appointment refusing to help. Ripoff

All Drug Companies
What Drug Manafactures won't tell you. Consumer Rip-off to the American Public

Dipika Patel - Globlesoft
Fraud - Fake Education - Fake Experience