CP nutritionals
Ripoff Arizona

Health & Medicine

I recently placed an order for a months worth of Longitude and they advertised that the product would be shipped within 2-4 working days, well guess what I still haven't received my produce and can't even get on their web sight.

I guess I'm another person suckered in to their rip-off scam. I don't have a phone number, I would like my money back, but it looks like a right off for a rip-off. Lets get these a$holes.

Bayfield, Wisconsin

Company: CP nutritionals
Country: USA
State: California
City: Scottsdale
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CP Direct
CP Nutritionals billed me even after I cancelled!

Northstar Nutritionals
Failed to deliver purchased items

CP Nutritionals

CP Nutritionals
Dirtbags and Maxim Magazine for Advertising such Crap

Cp Nutritionals
I think cp nutritionals / cp direct is a scam company

House Calls Alan Inglis MD
Complete scam as they are part of the awful NorthStar Nutritionals

Okuma Nutritionals
Fradulant company Ripoff

NorthStar Nutritionals
Soothanol-X2 does not work to relieve pain

CP Nutrionals Direct
CP Nutritionals Direct Longitude, is a Ripoff Scam

CP Nutritionals
Company Rip-off lied about what the products really did & were deceptive liars