Terrebonne General Medical Center, TGMC, John Ford, Tory Fletcher, Carla Edgar, Cheryl Dufrene
Phyllis Peoples, Michael Isabelle unscrupulous, diabolical, unetical, and a perfect example of corporate terrorism Ripoff

Health & Medicine

Terrebonne General Medical Center started out as a community hospital run by nuns. Over the years, however, it seems as if the sacred institution has taken a turn for the worse. Terrebonne General Medical Center (TGMC) is now an unethical, unscrupulous, and diabolical terrorist-like organization. The facility keeps "order" by instilling fear in their workers. When a worker does not conform to their demands, the worker is simply disposed of. It seems as if TGMC considers their workers to be as disposable as yesterday's newspaper. When I first started working at TGMC, I noticed when I would ask someone a question about what happened to so and so or what happened in regards to a particular even, they would look around cautiously before answering. I can now see exactly why they seemed so paranoid.

I started my employment at TGMC in March. It seemed like a nice place to work. Soon, though, I found the facility to be less than desirable. I noticed a pattern of verbal abuse from nurses and higher up personnel towards those lower than them. Many times a nurse would tell those below them, such as ER techs, to do something and expect it to be done. This expectation was even if the nurse was sitting on their butt and the ER tech was busy with other patients. If the demands were not met, they would quickly be scorned by the nurse. Laziness is quite prevalent at TGMC.

I feel that I was not liked because I would stand up for myself. I would not tolerate the arrogant and obnoxious attitudes of such personnel. I quickly became the target of "disposal."

On January 2, I returned to work for a night shift. The head of TGMC security, Percy, asked me to accompany him. I followed him to the ER administration office. There, at the ER manager's desk (Rose Cuneo) was the Human Resources director, John Ford. Mr. Ford asked if I knew Percy. I stated that I had seen him around the hospital. Mr. Ford then stated that they heard that I was looking for employment elsewhere. I confirmed that I was seeking other employment. Mr. Ford stated that they (I assume "they" is TGMC) were going to help me along my way and let me go. This was not only the most absurd excuse for termination I had ever heard but also the most unprofessional manner I had ever heard.

I asked Mr. Ford what was the real reason that I was being terminated. Mr. Ford stated that there were complaints of me threatening my coworkers. Additional, he stated that Percy was there because my coworkers felt threatened by me. I found it odd that they would make a decision of terminating me without even seeking my side of the story. Threatening a coworker is a serious allegation. I asked who were the individuals that made the complaints. Mr. Ford stated that he could not release that information for security reasons. That was understandable. Next, I asked Mr. Ford what were the threats that I allegedly made. He stated that he could not release that information either for security reasons. Once again, things were not adding up.

Mr. John Ford stated that there were issues in the past that were also taken in to consideration. Mr. Ford was referring to an incident when the ER directory, Dr. Michael Isabelle, whined about me. I made a comment one day in the ER lounge that some of the nurses were day queens (i.E. Have attitudes and egos). He obviously became offended by the comment. However, instead of being a real man and set a good example as an administrative person, he decided to go behind my back and demand disciplinary action. I feel that if he was truly offended by the comment, then he should have been man enough to discuss the matter with me personally.instead, he sent a memo to the ER manager, Rose Cuneo, stating that he wanted disciplinary action. Rose Cuneo called me in to the office with John Ford and asked what happened. I explained the matter to Rose Cuneo and John Ford. They explained that there might be disciplinary action by Teresita McNabb, Chief Nursing Officer. I was completely astonished that they would actually have the CNO waste her time on the ego of an ER doctor. This was the beginning that proved to me TGMC really didn't care for the people that work there.

Mr. Ford stated that I was also disrespectful to the nurses. One incident was a recent incident where Ms. Tonya Pitre, RN complained that I used inappropriate language towards her. What Mrs. Pitre failed to mention was that she used such language herself towards other coworkers on a daily basis.

In continuing with the "disrespecting nurses" topic, I asked Mr. Ford that if a nurse talks down to me, treats me like dirt, and I defend myself, was that still considered being disrespectful to the nurse. Mr. Ford replied, "Yes and that is not tolerated here." I remember that as a quote because I had never in my life heard such utter nonsense. TGMC seems to condone abuse of employees.

I filed for unemployment. Within a week or so, I was denied. It was stated by the Louisiana Department of Labor (LDL) that TGMC had just cause as I violated company policy (use of inappropriate language). What astonished me was that the LDL seemed to completely ignore that I was unjustly terminated for false accusations as well as accusations TGMC failed to fully investigate. I filed for an appeal. Around this time, the LDL received a response to my claim. TGMC stated that an ER tech, Tory Fletcher, told two nurses (Cheryl Dufrene, RN and Carla Edgar, RN) that I told him, "One day I'm going to come in here and shoot everybody one by one." I was in complete dismay! Tory Fletcher was one of the few that I thought was trustworthy. He turned out to be just as two-faced as the rest of TGMC. It seems that the two nurses spread the rumor on to administration. Tory and the two nurses are I guess what TGMC considers "complaints." However, the regarding of the matter as having "complaints" is incorrect. The only valid complaint could be Tory Fletcher as he would be considered first-hand account. The two nurses only heard him say that I said such a statement. The two nurses are nothing more than hearsay.

I found it odd that Mr. Fletcher would make up such a statement. After all, he and his girlfriend were discriminated against by administration. Mr. Fletcher was talked to by Rose Cuneo because anonymous complaints were given to administration that he was talking too much to his girlfriend, whom also works there. I found this peculiar as I was talking to his girlfriend when all three of us were working as much as he was. I believe that it was the fact that Mr. Fletcher is an African American and his girlfriend is Caucasian. It seems that the predominately-white administration does not like this. He was told that they confirmed this by the video from the surveillance cameras. That's strange. Why didn't they tell me something? Could it have been because I am a Caucasian too? It sounded fishy to me.

I contacted the CEO of TGMC, Phyllis Peoples in regards to the matter. I explained everything I stated here except in much more detail. Her response was the following:

"Dear xxx (x-ed out for privacy):

I am writing to your letter of May 12 and e-mail of June 4. Thank you for taking the time to share with me your observations and concerns. I regret that the employment with the Hospital was not a positive experience and I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

Phyllis Peoples
President and Chief Executive Officer"

In my opinion, that is the most half-hearted and evasive response I have ever heard. After all TGMC put me through, that is their response.in other words, TGMC seems to condone abuse of coworkers (if you are part of the right clique), TGMC seems to condone racial discrimination (I don't recall seeing any minorities in administration). When I first started to work there, I used to wonder why people that had been there a while seemed almost paranoid when they would talk about matters concerning the hospital. I now see why they were so paranoid. If you don't do as told, they terminate you. TGMC remind me of be Borg in Star Trek: TNG, that is, resistance is futile and assimilation is inevitable.

I have done a bit of research and found that TGMC has infected a patient with Hepatitis C and because of ignorant technicalities, TGMC won! Can you believe that? TGMC can infect patients with diseases and not be held accountable for their actions?! In a separate matter, TGMC had a suit filed against them because they conspired against another home health agency. Is there no end to the terrorism the TGMC organization spreads around? How can they weasel out of court cases?

The case in which TGMC infected a patient with Hepatitis C can be viewed here:

La-fcca.org/Opinions/Pub06CA0926. Jun. Pub. Pdf

The case in which TGMC had suit filed against them for conspiracy can be viewed here:

Caselaw. Lp. Findlaw.com/scripts/getcase. Pl? Navby=search&case=/data2/circs/5th/0031145cv0.html

I would not trust TGMC to work any of my family members nor myself; especially since I have spoken up against them. TGMC is what is commonly known as corporate terrorism. Today, people worry about foreign terrorists. What many don't realize is that corporations and large organizations within our own country terrorize people. TGMC is a perfect example of a company that uses scare tactics to force their employees to do their will. If not or if you think differently then they do, they simply get rid of you as they done to me.

People to watch out for:
- Rose Cuneo Mrs. Cuneo is the ER manager. She seems nice at first, however, she is part of the whole scheme that is TGMC. It was stated from administration that she was spoken to before they decided to terminate me. Obviously she did not care very much for me.

- Cheryl Dufrene, RN ER nurse (Registered Nurse) at TGMC. I always wondered about her. At times, I was suspicious of her. You know how you just get an uneasy feeling about someone. I thought she was a nice person, however by her spreading such a lie she is definitely one you should watch your back with. She will spread vicious lies about you in a heartbeat.

- Carla Edgar, RN ER nurse (Registered Nurse) This individual is one that thinks she is always right, especially if you are below her in the medical chain of command. I feel very unsafe having a person such as herself having people's lives in her hands. It is one thing to work with a know-it-all; however, it's different when a know-it-all is dealing with a person's life.in addition, as you can see from this article, if you cross her (different opinion than hers) she will spread vicious lies about you to get you fired. She not a real woman and can tell you these things to your face.

- Tory Fletcher Mr. Fletcher is an ER tech at TGMC. He was one of the few I felt I could trust. However, for some reason he decided to make up the vicious lie and spread it around.

- John Ford Mr. Ford is the Director of Human Resources at TGMC. He is a very cocky and arrogant individual. Mr. Ford failed to address issues I had mentioned in our first meeting. Then, when terminating me, he used a very unprofessional response of TGMC helping me along since I was looking for another job.

- Phyllis Peoples, CEO Ms. Peoples seems to care less about the abuse and matters that go on at the TGMC facility. This opinion was based upon her very insincere response to my letter.

- Dr. Michael Isabelle Dr. Isabelle is a very arrogant doctor with a huge ego problem. He is not a man at all. If he has a problem with you, he will go behind your back and tattle on you instated of confronting you so that the matter can properly be discussed.

I will be contacting the Secretary of Labor, John Warner Smith. I would like to know why the LADOL seems to side with such an unscrupulous organization. If you look at TGMC's website, you will see a logo as "Employer of Choice." This program is a division of The Herman Group. I will be contacting them to let them know about TGMC's scare tactics and unethical behavior.

Company: Terrebonne General Medical Center, TGMC, John Ford, Tory Fletcher, Carla Edgar, Cheryl Dufrene
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: Houma
Address: 8166 Main St
Phone: 9858734141
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