Design Savers Plan
Ripoff misleading lieing

Health & Medicine

When I was called about this I was misled about how my prescripitions would save me money and I was talked into buying this by two different people When I received my package and read over it I seen it wasen't what they had told me so I called on 5/15/06 and was told I could cancel and get my $274 back someone from their office would call me in 2 days to confirm this its been 9 days and still no answer. I try calling 3 more times and no aanswer only a recording saying they would get a hold of me if I left my number. I also e mailed them twice and no answer this is why I contacted the BBB but still have not received an answer from them please help me... They are up to no good I am retired and alone so this money I gave them I could use for other things.

Company: Design Savers Plan
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Aurora
Address: 2851 Parker Rd. Suite 1300
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American Life And Health Insurance - Design Savers Plan
Ripoff, Misleading advertising. They are not an insurance company. They are not here to help you

Design Savers Plan
BIG TIME RIPOFF Design Savers is the biggest rip-off I have ever dealt with I have been working on a refund since July!

Design Savers Plan
US Health Design Savers Plan, Health care scam don't fall for it ripoff

Design Savers Plan
Ripoff offered me supplemental health insurance and the doctor they referred me to never heard of them and they didn't cancel my account and kept charging me for the service

Ramada Inn

Design Savers Plan
80014 Took my money for Ins. Plan. Will not refund my money back

Evah Stone Indian psychic love spellcaster
Took $200 and never called me back. When I would call I would either get no answer or when they would answer they would say that Evah was busy and to call back later then I wouldn't get an answer at

Design Savers Plan
Ripoff Dosen't even have services in Montana VERY RUDE Customer service

Wholesale Connection Company
Absolute Reservation Center KEEP YOU WAITING, with NO Reservations! Ripoff 2months torture! Maitland

Ripoff On Line Based