Ultra Life Fitness
Ripoff, fraud

Health & Medicine

This company has been taking $24.00 out of my account every month since October. I have never gave them permission to do so, I was not even aware until today when I was looking over past bank statements. I have had trouble with this company before over some diet pills they charged me for without consent.

I can not believe I ever had any dealings with a company this horrible and I refuse to let them just get by with doing this to me.

Ravenden Springs, Arkansas

Company: Ultra Life Fitness
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: South Jordan
Address: 857 West South Jordan Parkway, Suite 201
Phone: 8007571279
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Ultra Life Fitness - Ultra P/M - Ultralife
Ultra Life Fitness Ultra PM - Ultra Life Fitness - Ultra PM ripoff or consumer error free sample/trial of ultra p/m, don't forget to read terms & conditions

Ultra Life Fitness.com
Ultra Life Fitness.com ripped off, fraudulent charges against my account, will not cancel RIPOFF

Ultra Life Fitness
Scams, ripoffs, stealing money from accounts, rude services!

Ultra Life Fitness
Ripoff times 2

Ultra Life Fitness
RIPOFF fradulent claims for products an improper credit card billing practices

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Ripoff, fraudulent billing, product does not work

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I was charged for a product that I never got, when I called they said they had the wrong address, but there are no refunds Ripoff

Ultra Life Fitness
Ultra P/M ripoff, swindle, con, cheat, overcharged, fleece, dupe, deceived & taken for a ride

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Ultra Life Fitness, INC
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