Ultra Fitness
Ipoff dishonest billing, Require two different cancellations

Health & Medicine

This company is dishonest in there billing. The purposely require two different cancellations to truely cancel your membership. When I asked customer service if this is how they rip people off... She answered with a resounding "YES"! Please avoid any promotions from this company... They will certainly try to get a month fee out of you are cancellation.

Company: Ultra Fitness
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: South Jordan
Address: 857 W South Jordan Parkway Suite 201
Phone: 8007571279
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Ultra Life Fitness
RIPOFF fradulent claims for products an improper credit card billing practices

Ultra Life Fitness
Ipoff South Jordan Utah

Ultra Life Fitness - Ultra PM
Life Fitness - Ultra PMUltra Life Fitness - Ultra PM Ripoff Scam South Jordan

Ultra Life Fitness & Ultra PM
Ripoff, fraudulent billing, product does not work

Ultra Life Fitness
Ripoff fraud credit card billing

LA Fitness
Total scam

National Fitness Financial Systems
Disgusting Business Practices

Ultra Life Fitness
Ipoff south jordan

National Fitness Financial Systems
Slimy and dishonest business practices

Ultra Life Fitness
Ripoff times 2