Cybersonic tooth brush
Cybersonic toothbrush what a joke

Health & Medicine

I purchesed this toothbrush in Jan used it for about a week and returned it. Finally received my refund in March... After 3 phone Oct. 2001 a charge for the replacement brushes showed up on my credit card (I never got the brushes) after about 45 min on the phone the operator told me that i would be receiving a credit and would not get any more brushes (I never got the credit) In Jan the brushes came in the mail and the charge appeared on my bill again. After another 45 min on the phone i was told that i would not get any more brushes and the credit would be processed on a thursday (the refund department only does them every other thursday). After my last bill came from the credit card company i call them again another 45 min. The operator gave me the same line... On thursday. I asked to speak to the supervisor and was told that they were all too busy to speak with me and that someone would be calling me back. Dont waste your money or time on this product... Get the sonicare at any local store

Las Vegas Nevada

Company: Cybersonic tooth brush
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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The TV offer stated that I would receive a lifetime supply of replacement tooth brushes. Consumer fraud ripoff

Cybersonic Toothbrush
Ripoff never received replacement brushes I paid for with original orde

Rip-off! Waiting for replacement brushes. Good luck

Cybersonic toothbrush rip-off

Cybersonic & Rbt. Ulrich
Cybersonic toothbrush false ads

Cybersonic Toothbrush
CyberSonic Toothbrush Replacement LIES

Cybersonic toothbrush ripoff

Tooth brushes not worth the hassle

Cybersonic ripoff no toothbrush replacements

Replacement Scam