Dual Action Cleanse - Fulfillment Center - Harmony Formulas
Ripoff, overpriced, ineffective product, customer service does not return calls, unauthorized autoship

Health & Medicine

I heard an ad on the radio for a product, called Dual Action Cleanse. It claimed to improve health through cleansing. I ordered the product, didn't really notice a difference. I grew tired of taking the pills and realized that I probably wouldn't finish the two jars that I had opened. There were three jars left that I hadn't opened.

I looked closely at the small print on the package and noticed a warning. It stated that the product contained Cascara, which could cause abdominal cramping. I didn't recall hearing about this on the radio.

Although it was past the 60 days for the return, I called the company and asked if I could still return the product. They connected me to Customer Service. Someone there told me to go ahead and return the order and that I probably wouldn't receive a refund on the two opened bottles, but I might receive $35 for the ones that were unopened. I had paid approximately $106 total, which included shipping. I returned the order and when I didn't hear anything I called again and was told that the manager, Valerie Jones would call me back.

I called a total of six times and was told that Valerie Jones either wasn't in or wasn't at that location. Each time, the person I spoke with took my name and number. To complicate matters after either the third or fourth time I called, I received a new complete package in the mail, which I had not ordered. When I called the company regarding this order, I was told that I was mistakenly signed up for autoship, my credit card was not charged, they took care of it so it wouldn't happen again and to just return the order. So I did.

Within about a week, I looked at my credit card statement and I had been charged approximately $106. Luckily, they did credit my card shortly after, but not for the full amount.instead my card was credited for about $95.

When I called the last time, I spoke with Dave in customer service. Dave seemed confused and a bit condescending. First he told me that he didn't have a call back number for me. Then he found it. Regarding the autoship, he told me that I signed up for it, when I accepted the discounted rate offered on the radio and therefore I was responsible for the shipping cost. I told him that I hadn't heard anything about autoship on the radio or from the person I spoke to when I ordered. He started to tell me that the person I ordered from told me about the autoship, but then it sounded like he couldn't find that statement in the transaction notes.

When I complained about not receiving a call from Valerie Jones, he told me that it wasn't their policy to give any refund after 60 days. I argued that I was encouraged to return the product and that I might receive $35. He read back that portion in the notes and emphasized the word "might" twice for me as though I didn't understand. At this point I was very frustrated and told him that I was extremely disappointed with the company and wanted a call from Valerie Jones. I still haven't heard from her.

Furthermore, I looked up this product (Dual Action Cleanse) on the internet. Not only is there a wide disparity in the price (anywhere from $28-$59), but there is a knock off version called Ultimate Cleanse which costs $17.

I also found out through Quack Watch that Internal Cleansing is unnecesary and a scam. The program I listened to made it sound like even though a person may be healthy like me, he or she still needed this Internal Cleansing in order to prevent disease and optimize health. I found eating well and taking an inexpensive vitamin to have much better results than the Dual Action Cleanse product. When I took Dual Action Cleanse I felt a bit tired and it irritated me to have to remember to take some many pills everyday.

I have learned a valuable lesson. The statement "Buyer Beware" really is true. Anytime, I hear an advertisement for not only a so called health product, but any product, I'll remember what being ripped off by Dual Action Cleanse and I won't order it. At this rate I should save a lot of money, time and effort.

Company: Dual Action Cleanse - Fulfillment Center - Harmony Formulas
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: South Sandy
Address: 542 W. 9320
Phone: 8007574875
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