Appera Teeth Whitening System
Ripoff fradulant charges

Health & Medicine

I wanted to do the free 14 day trial for appera teeth whitening. I cancelled my subscription because it made my teeth hurt but they charged me 89 dollars despite my cancellation. I have tried to get hold of them but they do not have a telephone number where you can reach them. The only number they provide has a recording stating that you have to email them and then they will call you back. After emailing them numerous times they called me back but hung up on me and have not called me back since.

There is no way to get hold of them to dispute the fraudulant cahrges. This company is a scam so beware!

Company: Appera Teeth Whitening System
Country: USA
State: California
City: Tustin
Address: 15143 Woodlawn Avenue
Phone: 8008258307
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Appera Teeth Whitening

Appera Teeth Whitening
Fraudulent liars thiefs RIPOFF Internet

Appera Teeth Whitening

Appera Teeth Whitening - apperateethwhitening
Appera Teeth Whitening ripoff dishonest fraudlent never receive whitening and charge my account

Appera Teeth Whitening
Ripoff, dishonest, fraudulent billing

Appera Whitening
Appera Teeth Whitening ripoff dihonest fraudulent billing

Appera Teeth Whitening

Appera Whitening
Charged for product never received after I cancelled

Appera Whitening
Ripoff ignoring cancellation requests ripoff fraud

Appera Teeth Whitening
Ripoff, fraud, bad business, added charge