Tko Sports Group
Tko Sports Group, Tko Gear, gary Kurtz, Mitch Carlin refuses to pay 105,000 in royalty fees - due last year. Written agreement for the NRG BALL product. Gary Kurtz president threatens it is a shell company i signed with and he will just shut it down

Health & Medicine

Hi my name is Howard developer of NRG BALL TRAINING - I developed the product back in 1998 and struggled to get it off the ground. My wife and I traveled the country trying to launch th

E product but had a very difficult time because we were 2001 i had the company TKO sports and a man named Gary Kurtz the president of the company form a three year royalty deal with to pay me 150,000 over 3 years. Why i am discussing this with you. Because they cheated my family and I out of 100,000 and do not want to pay me. They do not care if i sue because they tell me it will take years and i do not have the money nor the years.

My family is suffering and so is my business. They are a huge company and do not care about the small guy. You can look up my site - I have been in the fitness business my whole life and I need the help of the people to bring this company to justice - Everyone just wants to steal from the small guy. 3 kids that need to eat and they are flying there families all over the country still exhibiting at trade shows.
Here is a quote from the president of the company"

Howard, your comments are out of line and absurd I will not dignify them with a response other than to say that I cancelled Super Show to make sure TKO can do IHRSA and Health and Fitness. I have told you for some time now that TKO suffered enormous losses due to foreign exchange (USD vs. CND$), something you are probably not all that familiar with." Again they bash me like i am some stupid person. They are in Sports Authority, Garts, Dicks and nationwide. I call out for the help of the people to spread the word not to do business with these people until they are brought to justice. Thanks for your support and god bless the small peoplle trying to make an honest living. Please pass along to a friend. We have to stick together.

Company: Tko Sports Group
Country: USA
State: Texas
Address: 7354 Denny Road, Suite 100
Phone: 7139967002
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