Coast Dental
Scam fradulent Diagnoses Ripoff!

Health & Medicine

The story written on March 1 could not match my experience at Coast Dental more closely.

I went in for my initial consultation, and had a set of x-rays taken. After that, I had my initial examination. I was told I have Ginivitis, and need a series of deep cleaning sessions, a toothbrush and mouthrinse totaling over $100, and that I absolutely had to have my wisdom tooth out.

I am only 25, and this scared me, so I went along with everything. I don't want to have ginivitis! My teeth looked perfect after wearing braces for 2 years, but maybe they were seeing something I could not.
In any case, I went to an oral surgeon for the wisdom tooth a few days later, (they were able to see me immediatley as my insurance was expiring at the end of the month) and he said he saw no gingivitis!

Then, we had a huge hurricane here in Florida, and I left town. While I was gone, I had a problem with the incision from my wisdom tooth surgery, and had to see a different dentist near the hotel we stayed at. He confirmed that my gums were extremely healthy.

My fiance went to Coast Dental as well the same time I did, and they told him he absolutely had to have some sort of device to keep him from grinding his teeth at night. Essentially it is a piece of plastic. The cost was $250, and they assured him that insurance would cover it. Well guess who got a bill a month later.

I started doing some research on this company, and found that they have a website and are a PUBLIC company. Given the fact that so many of us in different states have had the same problems, I do not doubt for one minute that the dentists and hygenists are instructed to SELL, SELL, SELL, in order to increase share holder value.

In fact, when I went to get a replacement head for that expensive toothbrush, they asked me who my hygenist was to they could assign the replacement to the right person. I asked why, do they work on commission? You have to make sure they get the credit? And the lady turned bright red and stuttered and stammered and could not even deny it.

I am fiercely capitalistic, however, in cases involving one's health, it is different. People put all of their faith regarding something they only get one of (their bodies) in their doctors and dentists, who they see as the experts.

In any case, I am not interested in suing but I absolutely would love to expose Coast Dental in some sort of media thing.

Company: Coast Dental
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Palm Bay
Address: Palm Bay Road
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