Money rip off! Scam

Health & Medicine

I signed on board for a free trial of sensa online and when i got the box was under-whelmed and the contents. The product itself was not for me but my issue wasn't even with the product itself. The issue was with the company and the practices.

I only knew about a free trial and nothing about any nearly $90.00 charge. I was told about this or that it would keep coming from my account without my knowledge. When i noticed the charge i went to every place i could think of to find someone to talk to. The only place i could find was a number that was on my bank account.

This call was where i found out about the repeated money that was taken and scheduled to be taken out. I tried my best to get a refund that day but was told i had to call other numbers and go to the site to make anything happen. They gave me a number to use to send the product back but no address to do so. They told me to refer to the site for instructions.

By no means am I a dumb person being a machine tech by trade and a computer repair person as a hobby. The site seems to even have a layout that doesn't allow people to find out how to send stuff back. There was only one number that i had to call many times before i got a real person. When i did talk to someone they told me that the sample was beyond the return date and i couldn't get a refund. To this day i don't know a place i could even return this stuff and feel like they are taking advantage of people and not telling or showing the whole truth about the product. Now i have to sit embarrassed about being taken in the whole ordeal and can only warn others of my experience.

Company: Sensa
Country: USA
Phone: 8665142554
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Try Sensa Free Lacking in truth-telling, not quite lying but not giving the full truth. "Lost" the returned product in the warehouse, but found it because I had a delivery confirmation from the post office!

SENSA Weight-Loss System
Sensa employs deceptive methods to ensure that consumers will be charged $90 for what is marketed as a free trial

SENSA Weight-Loss System
Sensa is a scam!



Consumer Report

This product is a scam, not only the product but also the company will promise your money back guaranteed and is not true

Sensa Weight Loss System
Sensa Products LLC Free Trial Scam Charging for free trial

Sensa Weight Loss System
Consumer Report

Weight Loss System Free Trial is a complete scam - beware!