Crosvent Fraud & trickery steals money through your credit card on a seemingly straight forward product offe

Health & Medicine

A total SCAM operation - TV promotion of Health Supplements/products offers; Try Free for cost of shipping - Through Fraud & Trickery they gain access to your bank account or credit card - Charges card using methods credit card companies seems unable to stop legally - I cancelled, got confirmation # and they still charged my bank card - Protest & they claim offer was a try-now & pay-later (lie) - After finally getting them to answer the service line (mighty busy Im sure), they required product be returned within 15 days for them to refund less their costs of course (within two months) - They had very specific requirements for packaging & returning product - Good luck ever getting any money back from these professional scam artists) O;)

Company: Prosvent
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Reno
Address: 4910 Longley Ln, Suite 101
Phone: 8006623907
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Misrepresented the offe

Prosvent, LLC
Efund - Prosvent

Prosvent, LLC
Scam? - Prosvent

Prosvent, LLC
THIS IS A SCAM - Prosvent

Prosvent, LLC
Prosvent, LLC

I got the 'free' 30 day supply for $9.95 or $79.95

Prosvent, LLC
Consumer Report

Charged my credit card without my authorization internet

Scam, Fraudulent, Rip-Off, Do not Buy, FX Supplements Does Not Exist, FX Supplements Charge $85.90 From Your Bank Account