Dr. George Commons
George w. Commons, md plastic surgery nightmare

Health & Medicine

A friend of mine went to Dr. George Commons more than a decade ago and is still reeling from the damage done to her by this absolute disgrace to medicine. Dr. Commons turned a routine procedure into a nightmare. He operated on about 20 wrong areas of her body and cost her over $220,000 worth of corrective surgery and attorney fees due to the aftermath of his horrible surgical work. This Palo Alto plastic surgeon shouldn't be allowed to hurt any more people he pretends to want to help.

I know my friend is not the only victim of this licensed butcher, but he has money to burn, so he throws enough of it at lawyers to cover up his worst mistakes. Any other doctor who had his record of ruining innocent lives with poor procedures would no longer be allowed to practice medicine anymore. My friend has endured dozens of corrective surgeries she's had to pay for out of pocket, and the doctors who are fixing his shoddy work are always amazed at how incompetent his work was.

Company: Dr. George Commons
Country: USA
State: California
City: Palo Alto
Phone: 6503284570
Site: gcommonsmdplasticsurgery.com
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Dr. George W. Commons
Judge Leslie C. Nichols He ruined my friend's life and his friend Judge Nichols covered up the damage he did

Dr. George Commons
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Dr. George Commons
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Dr. George Commons
Beware! Palo Alto

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