Esoftwaremall/MS Office 2003
Fake software never delivered

Games & Gaming process

I requested and taken care of a download version of Msoffice 2003 from simply because they had among the cheapest rates and provided a download (immediate use) edition. After cost (by charge card via a phony PayPal link) I had been intended be redirected to some download site, which did not work. Grievances to a contact address provided were never responded. Works out there's no-download edition of Msoffice, it should be provide like a Disc filled with product key. Exactly what a fraud! I am out $80 with nothing to exhibit except the data that I was obtained.

Company: Esoftwaremall/MS Office 2003
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Altos
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I oedered a free trial of Phentrazine37.5 for 4.95 shipping and handelin on line, I was charged $149.95 for an extra two bottles wich i never ordered. I was ripedoff

Lifestyle Lift
Ripoff Big Company Adding unspecified money to a non-refundable amount

Infinity Advertising
Thank God I didn't waste my gas! Ripoff Tried to steal from my credit card, after promising refund for no product delivered
Big ripoff

Ed Jablonowski / I paid my $10 fee for download and was never provided a link or download page. Even though its only 10 it adds up if more people like myself are not getting what we are paying for

Singer Lazer Laser Storm
Vacuum ripoff, overcharged credit card, says no customer service today, will call u back, manager in meeting
Delivered wrong software version - Divx

Whittier Crysler Dodge Jeep - Cassa De Gonzales Dealorship
I was given a price to rebuild the engine on my truck that didnt have a anything wrong ripoff

Advance Telecom
Avg download scam... Don't pay for the download