Eyepartner inc / Tiki Live and Blinko Tv
Complete scam

Games & Gaming process

I am writing this to do my part as a civilized and caring human being. Sort of like the way a rape victim should report a rapist in order to prevent others from being raped as well.

This complaint is aimed at a company called Eyepartner inc. A company that has several websites and domain names involving themselves with

Live streaming, webcam devolopment, and any kind of website software related to these subjects.

I spent 45 days on the phone with the supposed owner Tim Green back in December. I swear I have never done more research and been so

Thorough with my questions and thoughts before handing over my money to a company as I did here. They got me good.

Tim Green was accessible and easy to deal with. He was there at any time to handle your questions, fill your hopes and dreams in your project and build your confidence in them as a team, like you will regret not working with them.

Of course this changed literally the second I signed their contract and sent in my money.

Next thing you know I am told that I need to now apply any and all of my ideas, explanations, and questions, etc. To their ticket system to communicate with them. Now, if any of you have been around, you should know two things:

One - this is not completely uncommon

Two - it is a huge pain in the ass to explain certain precise and heavy duty details in a text form through a ticket system. Especially when those details are creative and brand new ideas.

In Eyepartners case not only do these two circumstances take place, but you now find out that the people reading your ticket posts are from Romania and barely speak English. So in turn you end up with half of your idea done wrong, and the other half not understood or passed over.

Meanwhile you see your charges for hours going up significantly. When you write back "no this is not what I meant, and what about my other details" you then see another round of charges applied to your account. And when I say charges I mean upwards of $200 per hour unless you opt in to buy hundreds of hours like I did in my case, to lower the amount. You will literally see charges for asking a question, requesting they fix something not right on their end, asking how much or about how long will a certain idea take to accomplish, and the list goes on.

Of course we should all know time is money, so if you are using their time, you should be paying them money. However, if this company was a car dealership they would basically be trying to charge you for coming in the door and wanting to ask about which models they have, how much it will cost, and what kind of programs do they have. Then they would charge you for the test drive, the coffee you drink while waiting, and the time it takes for you to fill out your paperwork - I think you get my idea. For the record the money they swindled from me is over $30,000.

I could go on forever with these details here, and again am only writing this because I feel compelled to try and help anyone else that could possibly fall victim to these crooks.

To edit this, basically after trying to turn their $13,000 rip off program Tikilive.com into a customized version for me to turn into an online business, I ended up paying them over $17,000 on top of it for hours they said would be needed to implement my ideas.

I had to start facing the reality that these guys were only out to give you a program that kind of works and kind of doesn't, then charge you to fix her up and get her going. They make it seem like you will pay $13,000 for a program that is perfectly shaped to be what it is right away. But the sad truth is it's filled with tiny errors and quirks that will drive you crazy, while on top of it, try to explain that to people in Romania through a ticket system who try to charge you for requesting they fix it!!!

Over time, I started getting discouraged and losing faith in them as a company while I also had to get back to my business that was actually paying my bills in order to survive this investment. I put things on hold for a bit. I also started spending endless hours actually creating my ideas in Photoshop myself in hopes of evolving the situation for the better, and not have to type things, but rather show them in picture form, so all they would have to do is make the pages I created functional.

After taking a step back and looking at this whole thing with a clearer head and more honest perspective, it finally dawned on me that this was going to be a very bad idea to keep this going with this company.

I recently got up the nerve to finally figure out the best way out without having to go to war. I already knew from my dealings with the wanna be tough guy Tim Green that he was going to be a huge baby con artist and NEVER voluntarily hand over any return of my money - however I didn't think he would be as bad as it now is.

I opted to take it in the ass as for buying a program like Tikilive.com and call it as a mistake on my part for getting involved. I also, opted to take a hit on the hours they configured and totaled as "used" for dealing with me. So all I wanted and request was for the unused hours that were not applied at all! According to records, they used up 43 of my 300 hours I purchased. Leaving 256 hours unused and unneeded if was not going to continue

With the project. As I said in the beginning, they give you a break on the cost of hours based on how many you buy. So knowing that anyone in business would logically say, "ok, if you need me to give you a credit back for 256 hours, then you will now have to be charged a different amount for the 43 hours used". So, I did the math on their next package up which was $95 per hour between 20-100 hours. I wrote a complaint free and nice respectful letter to Tim requesting a return for the amount of 256 hours at $95 an hour totaling $12,000. Basically this would mean they made over $5,000 off of me on used hours, and $13,000 on a not so good working program - not to mention the hosting fees they got me on for $550 a month - claiming that you can't cancel for a year.

After sending the letter I honestly thought I was being a pussy and too generously doing things in their favor, and they would definitely have no problem sending back a credit on what was rightfully not used! I was wrong, instead I received a return email form Tim saying a bunch of non sense about how they will have to reconfigure the amount of Blueprint and development time spent on my project! What? It has been thoroughly documented that this company charged me for nearly every request involving blue printing, developing, etc... That's what the 43 hours went to!

And he added that they didn't count several hours because of the size of my project, so if now the size of my project has gone down, then they must add up these unaccounted for hours!!! Unless you're seriously slow, you should now fully see the demons teeth popping out here. Now all of a sudden there are other charges? From where and what? They are the ones who have the tracking system in place so you can watch your hours be sucked away. And now there are some "other hours"???

I sent him a return letter, explaining I will settle for nothing less than the amount requested, and almost begged him kindly not to make us have to go to court. It is unjust. They are unused hours that deserve to be returned at a higher dollar amount per hour - and that's final. I advised and explained how I did all of the math in their favor and hope they decide to do the right thing.

This is where things got shocking. I instantly received a phone call from the wanna be tough guy Tim Green. He immediately started doing that thing idiots do where they skip your main point, and get stuck on one of your smaller more irrelevant points. He was stuck on how I said "if you are claiming there are other hours you need to add up, you are lying - which is fraud, and you know it." He kept saying " are you saying I'm a liar? Are you saying I'm lying?". I tried explaining again, what I said in the letter, but he couldn't get it through his thick head.

I am now in the middle putting together a lawsuit against this company besides starting a campaign to warn others about them.

If you have questions or possible disbelief in what I'm saying, please look them up on this site. You will find there are plenty of others not happy as well. But don't be fooled. The supposed owner Tim Green will post fake claims back that his product is solid and blah blah. He's a salesman.

And I guess, he's a darn good one!

Any others doing business with them, and interested in joining my class action suit, please contact me.

All others, please be warned of this company and any others. It's funny how things change with a company once they have your money.

If you believe my case and feel you want to help warn others as well, here are some links that pertain to this company that you can use to post

Your warnings to others.

Thank you






Www.realsafe. Tv











Company: Eyepartner inc / Tiki Live and Blinko Tv
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Marathon
Site: eyepartner.com
  <     >  


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