Poor Product / Worse Service

Games & Gaming process

Barely know how to start. I've drenched 13 difficulty seats previously year but a number of other issues/concerns have gone unreported. Simply to identify several issues:

- site often down

- shed capability to check certified computers

- need to reset software system frequently, very time intensive

- needed to reinstall licenses 3-4 times

- unintuitive application, badly created

- tech-support is terrible, probable outsourcing offshore

- cannot achieve anybody live, if you don't buy VIP assistance

- not a-one moment purchase, organization attempts to rob you for necessary updates (that are not)

- paid $250 for just two permits, subsequently compelled to cover update to new edition (was Informed older version would no further be recognized).

- A Wells, VP of Customer Revenue, reacts that I had been "fortunate" that I acquired this type of good deal and just needed to spend $29 for an update versus $193. Are you joking? $193 along with $250. CyberPatrol along with other items cost-less than $40 and also have all of the same performance.

I might go ahead and on-but I am furious again simply writing this.

Company: WebWatcher
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Site: awarenesstech.com
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Deceptive practices

Terrible company

Webwatcher Software
Bait and Switch

Awareness Technologies
Deceptice sales and marketing practices, fradulent product, horrible customer service

Don' t waste your money

Horrible product, no refund


Awareness Technologies
WebWatcher software Deceptive sales and marketing practices, sales of fraudulent product, extremely poor customer service

Over priced computers, terrible custoemr service and tech support Internet