
Games & Gaming process

On Monday 12-29-08 I tried the RegCure PC Optimizer free version, I downloaded and gave it a try. To get it to run it must be registered.

To register it I was told that I had to pay $29.95 to make it work. I clicked on the register button and not only did the take the $29.90 they took an additional $9.95 more for the paretoLogic privacy controls that I didn't agree to. So I started checked the complaints on both companies and got the phone number of a customer that had been stung just like me. I immediately realized the money was taken out of my Paypal account by of $39.90 with out my authorization. The money came out and I want it back, I am trying to the companies to end this horror.

Company: RegCure
Country: USA
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RegCure PC optimizer and ParetoLogic privacy controls
Refunding of monies

Paretologic safecart
RegCure Charged a second time, one year later

Regcure Pc Optimizer
I purchase a pc optimizer and privacy control license, i never recive anything Boise Idaho nationwide

PayPal does nothing to protect the buye

Regcure Pc Optimizer
SafeCart Secure Internet Payment Processing ripped me off 40 bucks for pc software that don't work

Citi Bank Group - RegCure PC Optimizer
Citi Bank Group. Ref: CITI/CMB/324/08 Citi Bank Group. I was overcharged $30.00 for a solicited product online. Product name: RegCure. Advertised price $9.95, $39.95 charged to my visa

Consumer Report

Regcure - Paretologic - safecart
Regcure, Paretologic, safecart remove error: 1603 $29.00/ their product is worthless and charged me $40.99 for it. C t corporation system and idaho

False Advertising

SafeCart Payments Taken in, by a FREE offer to download