Mattress Firm
Defective mattresses, poor service

Furniture & Equipment

I bought a costly Sterns & Foster bed and container rises and inside a year the bed was loose and that I was having backaches. I approached them in the future out and appear at it, and that I was informed I'd togo through this absurd procedure for distributing plenty of paper-work, waiting 4-6 months before my criticism could be prepared, then would need to spend them!!! $25 to examine the criticism, after which spend them again another shipping/transport charge. The salesperson in the shop was arrogant, combative, and just too pleased to hand-me all of the document I'd have to approach my criticism, without any sign that it'd be studied care of within an expedient method. DON'T BUY out of this company-no matter what they let you know. Their sales agents do not last but a couple of months and therefore are on fee.

Company: Mattress Firm
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Plano
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Furniture & Bedding Center
Fake Sterns & Foster mattress and box spring

Sterns and Foster
Warranty rip-off!

Sterns &n foster
Erkley (model) mattress

Stearns & Foster King Mattress
Indentation in mattress - 2 times!

Dick Gaylord
Dick Gaylord Scam

Vacation Network
Did not deliver what they said they would, held my money too long, withdrew funds not authorized

Sleep america
Defective Mattresses

Stearns & Foster
You will regret the day you bought the mattress!
Got the run-around re: defective product not returnable

Sleepy's - Kingsdown Mattress
Kingsdown give up making mattresses!