American Furniture
Poor service!

Furniture & Equipment

American Furniture repair man, said our leather furniture is painted and the paint is peeling. I told American furniture I had never heard of painting leather. Customer service said The repair man should have never told me it was painted. American furniture refuses to replace my love seat. It has been used for less then a year.

Poor service!

Company: American Furniture
Country: USA
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Central Furniture Mart, INC
Peeling Leather Furniture

American Furniture Galleries - Lane Furniture
Furniture started breaking down within 1st month numerious repairs no help Ripoff

GoGo Furniture
Passing Fake Leather for the Real Deal

American Signature Furniture
Horrible Patchy Leather, last only 2 years, one past warranty

American Furniture Manufacturing
Bad quality furniture!

American Furniture Galleries
Inferiorly constructed furniture

American Signature Furniture
This company sold me a patched up couch. And will not come back to pick up the couch

American Signature Furniture
Poor Quality Leather Sofa

Ashley furniture industries
Consumer Report

Central Furniture
The furniture is NOT leathe