Carl's Jr
Sexually Explicit Commercial


This really is definitely one of the most horrible industrial Carl's Jr has created to date. The ladies appears like she is really acquiring sexually stimulated from consuming a burger for God cause! And of course she actually appears as though she is fingering herself. The FCC needis to prohibit this dirty industrial quickly the atmosphere. Their are harmless kids which are being put through that terrible, demoralizing smut.

For anybody involved, there's a I came across as you are able to signal...

Http:// upton-carls-jr-hardees-advertisement/53196858/1? Fb_comment_id=f...

Company: Carl's Jr
Country: USA
  <     >  


Carl's Jr
Sexually Explicit Commercial

Carl's Jr. Green Burrito
Ad food

Sooner Federal

Carls Jr
Sr. Discount refused

Content of a tv commercial

Carls Buick GMC
I have been extremely satisfied

Carls Buick GMC
Truly a pleasure

Vulgar Commercial

Carls Jr/Green burrito
Unhappy - Big Carl and service

Carls Jr
I have been going to Carl's Jr