Unintelligent, Lazy, SLOW!


I am so angry right now! I have been raised on McDonal'ds my entire life. I remember when McDonal'ds gave away the Muppet Babies doll's in their Happy Meals. I was born into the military at Camp Lejeune, the largest amphibious military base in the U.S. I was raised on quality beef with the speediness to keep up with the endurance of a military father. However, since moving to Charlotte, N.C., I cannot depend on the McDonald's located at 5600 E.independence Blvd. They always forget half my order, luckily I only live 2 minutes away. However I feel sorry for any hungry passersby traveling along 74 Independence Blvd. Not only do they forget your order but they hassle you and make you wait additional minutes. I only live a couple minutes away, however, if you are traveling staight through, BEWARE! This same instance has happened to me nummerous occasions, tonight I finally had enough, I made my complaint about my fries being cold, via back through the drive-thru, an additional 15 minutes, not including the 15 minutes it initially took to place my order. Then she tells me to pull forward. Where I wait an additional 15 minutes. I was totally fed up, I walked up to the window gave the woman the rest of the cold food and demanded my money back. 5 minutes later she arrived with my change. I asked her for the name and number of her manager, which she could not provide. Moreover, she was not wearing a name tag, therefore, I could not identify her to the proper management. When I asked her name. She would not tell, so I said so if I'm to make a complaint I should just say some obese, black, lazy, woman at this store was performing an unsatisfactory job. She threatened to call the cops on me, for what is beyond me. So I said go ahead and tell them what? Your fat, lazy, and have not idea about customer service. Well, then a car load full of black people stared harrasing me. I would love to get this matter resolved A.S.A.P. Even High School students could perform more mannerly than that old, nasty, woman. For people like myself who so often get bad service and cold food provided by the McDonalds's located at 5600 E.indepence Blvd. Highway 74 we are fed up so please McDonald's please make your employees wear name tags and please provide a name and number on your drive-thru window so matters such as this can be resolved in a more timely fashion, for instance firing your Big N' Nasty located at 5600 E.independence immediately.
Blvd, Highway 74, Charlotte, N.C.

Company: McDonalds
Country: USA
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Awful, awful, awful

McDonalds Poor Service

McDonalds in Franklin Virginia
Extremely poor service and bad attitudes from employees - food

Abusive Staff - bad manager/incorrect food

Abusive Staff - bad manager/incorrect food

McDonalds food review

Complaint - Service level

McDonalds - Customer service

THEY FORGOT ME - bad manager/incorrect food

Cold food & bad additude - selling old food