Taco Bell
Slow service


We visited Taco Bell throught the drive-through and requested a Blood Fruitista. After making the drive-through I recognized that it had been a blood and pina colada that we did not need. My partner left the vehicle and went in. They informed him that it'd be 2 units simply because they needed to defrost the equipment. He stood there for 12 units and dismissed him. He ultimately requested for his cash back. I believe they offered me the pina colada convinced that I'dnot care.

Company: Taco Bell
Country: USA
State: Wisconsin
City: Shawano
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Taco Bell
Quality of food

Taco Bell
Day-old Taco Salad

Taco Bell
Food Poisoning

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Wet Tacos

Taco Bell
I was harassed by a Taco Bell employee

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Taco bell - Chicken flatbread

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Foreign obect in food

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Broken teeth

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Close the store - tacos

Taco Bell