Digital Audio 2003 Pro-series III
Ripoff - tried to sell me a surround sound speaker system for $300

Electronics and household app.

Ripoff artists tried to sucker me again! Two white guys in a white truck and sometimes a white van that I have bumped into at least 4 times in the last 10 years in the Lakewood, CA area. This time it was a Digital Audio 2003 Pro-Series III surround sound system. A friend of mine paid $300 for them and I turned down the offer because I've seen these guys before selling all kinds of crap electronic equipment in the Lakewood, CA area.

I checked the internet when I got home and discovered which I am very glad to see now exists. My friend then tried to sell them to his neighbor who quickly checked the internet also and found the same scam happening on! I am going to inform of this scam right after I finish typing this here! It makes you paranoid!

Paramount, California

Company: Digital Audio 2003 Pro-series III
Country: USA
State: California
City: Lakewood
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