Digital Audio DOGG
Home Audio System RIPOFF! Nationwide Scam! Do not buy! Con artist fake

Education & Science

Dude! I just got ripped off! Yesterday, I was approached by two younger guys in their 20's, driving a champaigne new model Toyota Tundra... The driver, hispanic/white and the passenger white. I was on my way home when they flashed me near a gas station and asked for directions. It is a smaller road, so I didn't think anything about it.

When I gave them directions, they were like, "Thanks! Oh, by the way... Do you want to buy some Home Audio Speakers?"

So, Naturally, I went over and took a look. They started telling me how some lady had offered them $500 p/speaker, but that she had an out of state check so they didn't sell them to her!

I told them I wasn't interested, but then they said they would give them to me for $150, because they had got them for free and that they were just trying to get rid of them before they had to go back to work??? Which should have put a bright red warning sign flaring but I didn't recognize it!

So, anyway, I went ahead and wrote a check out for the "DA 5.1 Surround Sound Home Audio System... List Price $1999.00" made out to one "Josh Parra"... The driver.

I had overheard him say that he had just moved to Oklahoma from Florida, where noticing all of the other reports on this site, people were hit pretty hard by the same scam.

The packaging looks professional and I recognized the name of the company for car electronics. Speakers sound like crap.By the way, does anybody know if the company on the internet "DOGG Digital Audio" is the same company, or are they just copying the list price onto the box and make useless speakers that look like the one's on the website??? If anybody knows, please let me know.

Please keep an eye of the for these con artists!!! I guess I can look at it like "tuition" for my "schooling" in being conned. Live and learn! But, maybe someone will read these reports before buying them and it can save somebody some money! If anybody gets any info on these two guys or their scam, I would love to find out! Thanks!

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Company: Digital Audio DOGG
Country: USA
State: Oklahoma
City: Oklahoma Cty
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