CERTIFIED DIGITAL (best consumer electronics)
CERTIFIED DIGITAL, best consumer electronics, bait and switch Internet

Electronics and household app.

Do not use this order service they promise free shipping then hit you with huge insurance cost a 300.00 order will cost you 40.00 bucks. They will also call you and try to get you too buy extra stuff at huge cost. They do not send email veriification. Tough to get a response on any thing. I cancelled my order when the supplier was late in shipping to them. I bouoght the same camera for the same price as certified from amazon free shipping extra batteries and a confirming email. This company may also sell grey market electronics but this is just a rumor

Dont buy from this poor service company

Company: CERTIFIED DIGITAL (best consumer electronics)
Country: USA
Site: certifieddigital.com
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Certified Digital
Fraudulent Website, Consumer Beware!

The Digital Expo - J&J Digital - The Camera Whiz
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Need 4 Digital
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Notus Career Management
Steve R— Took my money and wrote half of a resume for me Ripoff

Ocean Reef Electronics
Auction Logistix LLC, I ordered 12 RCA Coaxial Cable Connectors (VH59X) (VH59X) [ASIN: B000092TSS] from Ocean Reef Electronics through Amazon. The cost was 29 cents each, for a total of $3.48. I received an eMail that the

Accessoryden.com bait and switch, fruad fake electronics theaccessoryden fruad bait and switch

Laura Sullivan Cs. laura@yahoo.com
Laura Sullivan, Cs. Laura@yahoo.com BEWARE-Employment Scam Jackson Mississippi

Photosweep.com - Best Choice Digital
Photosweep.com Best Choice Digital, Photosweep = Masters of Bait and Switch, Selling Grey Market Products Without Informing Customers, Lying About Warranty, Not Including All Parts photosweep.com New York Internet