Best Buy Store #182
Sorry service and ripoff repair section

Electronics and household app.

On the 29th of Mar I turned in my laptop for repairs along with the battery, cable and recovery disk, it was still under warranty.

I was told that it would take about two weeks to the my laptop back, after the third week I called to check on it and the shop had no records of it, so I was told that they would call me back.

Later that day I did get a phone call back, it seems that the paper work was lost and that my laptop had been just sitting in the back room all of this time.

Best buy calls me on the 30th of Apr. And said that my laptop was ready for pick up, after a hour wait in line I get up to the counter just to find out that thay do not have my recovery disk, the repair person wasted about twenty more mins. Of my time looking for them and then comes back to me and had the nerves to tell me that he could make me a copy, I told him that I did not spend over $1000.00 to get some home made disk, I asked for the dept. Manager and explin to him what just took place, he told me that he would look some more and put a trace on them and to come back the next day.

I go back to the store the next day and had to deal with another person that knew nothing about it. This person went in the back to look for my disk just to waste more of my time.

Once again I asked for the department manager which I see now is as sorry as the rest of the crew, anyway he gets a third person involved who again goes into the back room for anoth 15 to 20 min. To look for my disk, and this butt head had the nerves to tell me that he could not find them but I could buy some and he will get with his boss to see IF he would refund me.

After telling him how I felt about it he told me that he would get with the laptop company to see if they could send me a copy and he will look aroud the store to see if there are some in a corner or something and to check back the next day, first thing in the morning.

The next day I gave him more time, I did not go to the store until after 1:00, I'm at the counter and he sees me and tells me that he will be right back and he goes into the back room. Thinking that he will come back with my laptop, he come back and tells me that the guy in the back was on the phone with the cupter company now and should have a answer soon and that I could come back or walk around in the store, I told him that I will just wait right here.

This guy goes in and out of the back room, after about 30 min. Of this he comes up to me and said that the campany was unable to find any disk that goes to my laptop, so I ask how was the first person going to burn me a home made copy, and how was I going to buy a copy if the campany don't have them to sell, what happened to first thing this morning, and on top of that I just paid for the laptop in Aug of how could they not have replacement disk? I walked to the end of the counter and was able to peep into the back room, I'm sur that I don't have to tell you that there never were another person back there on the phone with the laptop company.

I still have not accepted the laptop yet, I know once I do, I'm really screwed, one crash without recovery disk and all you have is trash.

I will say that this is the worst, sorriest excuse that I have every seen for a repair section and the manager is just as sorry.

The only name that I can recall at this time is Richard, the person that told me to go buy the disk and lied about the person on the phone in the back room.

Can anybody tell me how to reach Best Buy CEO?

Company: Best Buy Store #182
Country: USA
State: Texas
Phone: 2546804040
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