Made Fraudulant clams and Stoled my money with countless promises to repay in 3 days

Electronics and household app.

On March 15th I ordered a Tokina 50-135mm F/2.8 AT-X 535 (Nikon mount) From and two day later I recieved this Email

"Dear Customer,

We have generated a support ticket to help us track your inquiry. Your
ticket code is LTK145030750149X. Please use this ticket in any further
communication relating to this matter.

Greetings from SimplyElectronics.

Upon packing your order, we had discovered that our shipment of
Tokina 50-135mm F/2.8 AT-X 535 (Nikon mount) was damaged, and therefore
had to be returned.

Unfortunately, the replacements are not expected to arrive within any short period of time.

We apologise for any inconveniences caused, however in this
unfortunate event, we would like to ask if there are any other similarly
priced products listed on our site that may be suitable as a
replacement? Should the price be slightly higher, we can perhaps waive
this as a gesture of goodwill (please note we can only do this usually
for minor differences).

Likewise, if the price is lower, we can have this reimbursed to your account.

Kindly let us know by reply and we will do our best to expedite this for you. Otherwise, kindly advise on how we should proceed.

Looking forward to your response, thank you.

Kind Regards,


Customer Service Executive"

My Email Reply was:

Re: REFERENCE: (LTK145030750149X)

Hello, At this Point I would like you to credit back my credit card and cancel my order. Thank you so much Robert Nelson

P.S. Please let me know when you have do so amd thanks again.

After this Email it has started off a series of Emails Stating over and over again that they are sorry and that I should receive my refund within 24 to 48 hours. Now I wouldn't be here filing a complaint if they had lived up tho there word. I have continued to Call and Email to no avail. I have also filled a report to the BBB, The State District Attorney as well as Google.

Where we are at now, I have again called and Emailed and Emailed them for the 13th time still with no real help or resolution to my Refund/Issue with them.

Company: Simply
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Boston
Phone: 6174554230
  <     >  


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