Deceptive Practices

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I have been a customer of Sprint for the last 10 years. I never had a problem until I got a family plan. The first problem occured in when I added my son.instead of putting him under my plan, they sent a 69.99 bill for the family plan that also included a separate plan of 69.99 for him. I immediately called and had them correct it.in doing so, they changed my contract date. I was unaware that they had done so until later on. That was the first time.

In I added my daughter. She received a free phone that barely lasted over a year. I replaced it with one of my old phones and called Sprint to activate it. I was specific in telling them that it was not a new phone purchased but an old replacement phone of mine. Once again I did not know they changed my contract date. That phone broke, and my sister gave me another old phone for my daughter. I followed the same procedure that I had when I replaced her original phone. I told Sprint it was a replacement phone. They once again changed my contract date.

I added my oldest son to the plan and everything was fine for about a month, when I started getting charges for features that I specifically told Sprint that I did not want accessible on the phones. This went back and forth for about a year and a half. I refused to pay for services that I told them I did not want nor had I or my children used. I refused to pay until they adjusted my account, so they suspended it each time there was a dispute, but eventually admitted they were wrong and I received the credit each and every time.

Once again my daughter's phone no longer works, so I called Sprint to get an upgrade since she has never had one since I had the family plan. Her contract expired in 2007. That is when I found out how far back they set her contract date. July 19. Needless to say, I hit the roof. Not only did they change her date, they changed the dates on all the phones on the plan without my knowledge. I had evidence of all the phones, when they were purchased so they adjusted the dates except my daughters. They even looked at their records to see when she got her original phone, which I still have, as well as both replacements, and they still will not adjust her contract accordingly.

Sprint has some deceptive practices that have to be stopped.

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
State: Georgia
City: Atlanta
Phone: 8882114727
Site: www.sprint.com
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