Safe National of America
Out from the CRAP!

Electronics and household app.

I want my money back. My ears are releasing steams of frustration and anger right now. I just can't understand why I couldn't get my money back. And they're fooling people about Money Back Guarantee. Okay, here's the story I bought a headset at Safe National America and the other ear wouldn't produce a sound. I have it checked and they said that it had to be a wiring problem. I was pissed at the fact that they sell bad products. So instead of suggesting having it replaced, I commended on getting my money back after all it had not been 24 hours. They said it would be okay if the product hadn't been opened from its package. I wasn't amenable with that, after all, how could we know the product is dong well if we don't open it from the package. Looks like the only option I got is to get the replacement. And what's worse is that the replacement had to be another model otherwise I should wait for a week more to get the exact. They're really getting into my social bubble. What was I to do, all I am asking for is a refund. I want my money back because obviously I am not getting what I am paying for so what's the use? I am waiting for the exact replacement and I am hoping there wouldn't be any problems any longer or else, I would be insanely mad at them.

Company: Safe National of America
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: St. Petersburg
Address: 111 2nd Ave NE
Phone: 18005870332
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