ALin-GSM. ro
Firma Inselatoare! Aveti mare grija! Nu cumparati de la ei! Deceptive company! Take extra care! Do not buy from them!

Electronics and household app.

Aveti mare grija. Nu aveti incredere in acest vanzator! Am cumparat de la Alin-GSM. Ro un telefon Nokia 6310i care ei spuneau ca e un produs remanufacturat cu accesorii schimb am primit un telefon diferit de cel prezentat de ei. Tot ce era folosit nou era contrafacut inclusiv bateria si incarcatorul. Bateria tine numai 1 zi si incarcatorul fierbe in priza, imi e si frica sa il folosesc.

Telefonul a fost livrat fara factura si astfel nu pot returna acest produs. Pe site scrie ca telefoanele sunt noi si ca vin cu garantie 2 ani. Acest produs, desi remanufacturat, este listat in categoria produselor noi si deci ar fi trebuit sa fie insotit de garantie, chiar daca nu una de 2 ani. Este clar ca vanzatorul stia ca vinde un produs contrafacut si din acest motiv nu a trimis nici factura si nici certificat de garantie.

Nu cumparati de la Alin-GSM. Ro. Riscati sa luati o teapa la fel ca mine.

Take extra care. Do not trust this seller! I bought one at the par-GSM. Ro Nokia 6310i they say a product is remanufactured with original accessories.instead I received aphone call that set them differently. Everythingwas again used counterfeit including battery and charger. Battery charger you only cook one day and plugged in my fear is to use it.

The phone was supplied without charge and thus can not return this product. The site says that the phones are new and they come with 2 years warranty. This product, although remanufactured, is listed in the category of new products and therefore ought to be accompanied by warranty, even if not of two years. It is clear that the seller knew that selling counterfeit items and therefore did not send any invoice and warranty certificate.

Do not buy from Alin GSM. Ro. Forcing you to take a stake justlike me.

Company: ALin-GSM. ro
Country: USA
Phone: 40727921556
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