Best Value Of 14TH St.- Electronics, Cameras, Cellphones
Ripoff fraudulent billing

Electronics and household app.

The guys working in this shop offered me a Digital camera including a memory card for the price of $ 350.

One guy wrote the price down on a receipt. Then he laid down the camera and the memory card on the cashier's desk.

Then I paid $ 360, so that he had to give me $ 10 change.

Then the unbelievable rip off began:

Instead off giving me the camera, the memory card and my change, this guy took the camera and the memory card and of course my money away from the cashier's desk.

Then the guy behind the desk gave me a new receipt with a price of $ 448 written on it.
He said that I had to pay this price because that should be the price with tax and guarantee.

I was really astonished at this. I showed the guy my receipt with $ 350 dollars written on it.

He only answered that this price was not the real price.

Then I argued that this must have been a misunderstanding and that I want my money back.

But then the guy said that the money was already in the cashier's and so he is not able to give me the money back. He added that I have to pay the balance or I can take a cheaper camera.

I asked the guy if he really knows what he was talking about. The only answer was that he laughed at me. My only choice was to pay or to leave the store neither with my money nor the camera. After half an hour of discussion I paid $ 440 and left the shop.

Do not make the same mistake! Never go into this store! No doubt that these people only want to rip you off! Do not trust in their low prices! They just grab your money and then tell you that you have to pay more! These guys are using criminal methods! This store is a disgrace for our City!

Company: Best Value Of 14TH St.- Electronics, Cameras, Cellphones
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: 4-6 West 14th Street
Phone: 2124149697
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