The New Soud System Scum Scam
Pay back time! See how i ripped off the con artists!

Electronics and household app.


An over-shipment of lower quality audio systems was shipped from China or Mexico some time last month or two to the USA and had legally cleared US. Customs about the same time.

A well organized group of individuals operating between California, Oregon, Seattle and Texas have been ripping-off people by telling them that they had just came from work about 30 minutes ago and that there warehouse manager has signed them up with two additional stereo systems (there job being outside sales reps or delivery guys for that company) The error being always between 2 to 3 extra stereo systems signed to them by mistake.

There MO is quite typical:
*Always a rented SUV (too good to be for an outside rep or delivery boy and untraceable with a fake ID) rented most likely by a bogus Californian ID or temporary International or "Canadian" driving license.
(The guy showed it to me as he learned that I spoke French thinking I was Canadian too).
It said Quebec Canada and the guy is definitely Canadian Qubecquoi (from his broken Qubecquoi French accent).

*There is always tow guys or more (so they don't get jumped by gang members or thieves specially in California) probably armed.
The other guy is Hispanic sitting in the driver seat not saying a word with short hair evidence of a recently shaved head about one week to 10 days ago.
The Canadian had a non-Canadian accent in English and spoke fluently English and was very convincing in his story
(Hello Alec Trubec).

*They would always claim that this is a $1,999 system and as a proof they would show you a picture of another (similar) system in a computer magazine saying that this is that's in the box.

*They all are in there early 20's and they would panic if you start asking them questions like where 's the company HQ or what's there ph# or web address or technical audio questions (LOL).

I am a shroud sales person by craft and by nature;
I kept bargaining the price with him just to test him out
and told him I wasn't interested since I was in financial hardship but finally he reluctantly agreed to sell me the system for $100 bucks!!!

($100?? Wait there's something fishy!)

Before I paid him I made him say repeatedly to me that the merchandise wasn't stolen, just because I was trying to put my finger of who he really was; maybe an undercover cop? But he adamantly protested and rejecting the idea of the goods being stolen, something an undercover cop would never do.

Before I gave him the $100 I told him that I needed to get to an ATM for the cash.
As I turned the corner I got on my wireless connected lap-top and conducted a goggle search using the name and model code on the box (Digital Research DA 5.1) and fond the scam!

Some systems even where selling on ebay from places as fare as Ft. Lauterdayle FL anywhere from $350 to $400 (probably scamed customers trying to cut there losses short).

I also found out from the internet that a similar system manufactured both in China and Mexico retails for about $125 to $200 in Downtown Los Angeles Electronics trash market (I am sure you all have seen the crazy Gideon TV add if you live in LA, Orange and San Bernardino counties in CA).
It must be an over night Importer (no not Gideon his a good guy) who had decided to scam people in the west and shipped that system under different labels directly from overseas
(Customs should know better they have all the BLs and Original Docs since its fare too expansive & dumb to smuggle trash!).

Similar systems according to the internet works good for up to 2 to 3 years (Maximum warranty offered by manufacturer).

So knowing it was a scam I tried to find a pay phone since my cell batteries died on me and wanted to 911 the cops (where is internet telephony when you need it!).
I couldn't find a dam payphone anywhere so as I pulled back to the con artist and told him I will place him under citizens arrest and know what kind of game he was pulling and will give him $5 bucks for the system or his toasted.
I KNOW IT'S CALLED EXTORTION! He's welcomed to sue me any time!
He started sweating like a pig and I almost put them both to tears (punks).

I even made him put the system in my trunk made him apologize and warned him that there will be an APB (I heard that one on NYPD once) for his arrest and that "THEY now know who you are".
I have never seen adult guys sweat so profusely before.
He thanked me much like someone after you save there moms life and promised that he will never do that again and that he learned his lesson (bull).

Company: The New Soud System Scum Scam
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine (cities That Have Some Money)
Address: California, Texas, Oregon, Seattle WA
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