Best Buy
Ripoff on mail in rebates computer purchase

Electronics and household app.

I bought a toshiba computer with a mail in rebate... I have submitted twice. I have called twice. It is apparent I will not recieve the $100 they promised. Oh well, Since I have bought that computer I have spent about $4000 on other electronic items this year. BUT not one penny of it at Best Buy. I will continue to make every effort to purchase electronics from thier competitors and explain my ripoff experience with Best Buy to any one who is interested for the rest of my life...

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Pensacola
Address: 9th Ave Mall
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Dell Computers
Ripped me off for a $50.00 rebate that was promised when i bought my computer 2 years ago

Apple Computer Rebate
Apple Computer Refuses to issue rebate - "Lost Mail" Twice!

Kworld Computer Inc
Kworld Computer plays tricks on Rebate Ripoff

Hewlitt Packard
Rebate ripoff you can forget about rebates

Best Buy

Rebate Ripoff Rebate Ripoff

Likom USA
No rebate money back for my Futura computer bought at Fry's electronics ripoff

Office Depot
Fraudulent Rebate Advertising

Tiger Direct - OnRebate
Rebates Denied, no response to resubmission, ripoff

Best Buy
Ripoff Rebate for Computers