Alpha Electronics
Takes Credit Card Info and Creates Orders

Electronics and household app.

I entered my credit card information to create an account. The website said secure and my anti-virus program said secure.

I viewed an item and checked the shipping costs. It product was too expensive with shipping and so I logged out and closed the website. I DID NOT order this product.

I received an email stating that my "order" was pending.

They have not taken money out yet, but their phones go directly to voicemail, they do not answer their emails, and they are not on AIM as they stated they were.

Company: Alpha Electronics
Country: USA
Phone: 4079823285
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Big Alpha Dogs
Took my money, never sent my order, they do not answer phones or emails

Secure Tactics
Secure Tactics/Spy Recon product refund denied

SWREG Digital River
Anti Virus Scam, Won't accept "no" They manipulate your computer Internet
Will not cancel order, deceptive tactics to secure credit card info change rules

DiscountDiva/DivaDiscounts/Custom-PC Wholesale
Consumer Report
Ripoff/fraudulent billing: don't show "fine print" til after cc info in entered

Organa Slim
Consumer Report
Did not fill my order

A2Z Pharma
Declined credit card somehow still charged, attempts to cancel order ignored
Consumer Report