Monitronics International Inc
Worst customer service ever - Alarm and Security Monitoring Service

Electronics and household app.

It's been two years... Two years of calls, multiple letters, multiple supervisors all saying they would take care of a false bill (I have them recorded, btw) - and it never got taken care of.

The harassing calls continued even after we told them we no longer wanted to be contact via phone and to make any further inquiries via mail.


I hardly have words for it.

The story:

After a botched sales job where the representative misquoted the price of having touchscreens installed (first big disappointment in your company) we had several installation blunders as well. One was that the installer didn't know how to even install the touch screen. The other was that they didn't know how to work it or tell me how to work it. It went on and on until finally things were cleared up by another installer that knew what he was doing.

Through all of them - we were told that our dog would not set off the motion alarm - as they had been rated to 'ignore' small pets. They asked the weight of our dog and concluded it was properly rated. I figured it was the heat sensor that worked according to body any case - with this reassurance (from multiple representatives of your company) - we were not concerned.

Fast forward to our dog, of course, setting off our alarm. Why was this happening? No one at Monitronics could say - but they were willing to eat up our free 'passes' and even charge us for one of the times.

We called as soon as we got the bill and were told it would be taken off, as yes, the charge was ridiculous.

To add insult to injury - we ended up with an alarm system where the motion detector was useless because a small toy-dog would set it off. Very disappointed.

Fast forward to june of 08 - the matter is STILL unresolved. This after numerous calls and WASTED hours explaining the same thing again and again. (which is why i'm not calling anymore.)

The last person I talked to (on May 27th) was a very nice and seemlingly competent supervisor named Sean (ID 8565)

He was VERY clear about doing the following (I made him repeat it - that's how I know how clear he was): * $21 late fees removed * Original $39 fee removed * Original 'free' guard visits removed from record * NonBillable service call to be set up to see why the alarm was sounding

Sure enough - we had installers come. A good sign! Finally Monitronics was doing what they said they would. They said, "Oh yeah, it might be that the dog sits on the couch and triggers the alarm."

What? To which we said, "Obviously dogs like to get on couches if they're small - that's... Where... They sit." So it was a non-isssue. And they agreed. They should have told us this from the beginning. We would have never set the motion detector. Very simple.

All was good.

Except... The next month I get a BILL AGAIN. $41???

What is going on? I figured maybe it would take a while for the system to clear it - but no. We still keep getting the same bogus bill.

Fast forward to a YEAR later... (with too many other stupid things to mention - I'm tired of writing about it including a bogus service call) and it is... Hopefully... Maybe... Resolved at last. They wiped all the charges... At last... Again...

Well... We'll see when the next bill comes.

Advice to anyone out there considering ANY service involving Monitronics monitoring alarms services:

Save yourself the 800 headaches you'll suffer and stay FAR, FAR AWAY.

PS - I'm sure some representative will come on here and say 'We'll get that resolved TODAY!'. Too late. That's what about 13 different people have all told me on the phone each time I've taken the time to talk to them. Not ONE of them actually resolved ANYTHING. So I no longer believe the lies, and, they are lies.

Company: Monitronics International Inc
Country: USA
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