Erecycleronline - Erecycler
Sarah Cox - Bob And Debra Hamilton Sent a Laserdisc player poorly packaged. Arrived broken. After looking over their ebay feedback, realize now was borken before shipping. Sellers are con artist

Electronics and household app.

Won ebay item number: 310129416100 from this business. The item arrived extremely poorly packed. This was a 16 pound laserdisc player that was packed with a little bit of crumbled paper in a box. The items motor clamp assembly wa shattered when the item was delivered. Item was shipped via UPS, seller is trying to get out of filing a claim with UPS... Hrmmm, wonder why... Must be, oh I dont know, because this was 100 percent fraud related selling and they don't want to get caught.

After looking over the sellers feedback I had realized this was a pattern for the seller, and they often blame the shipper, and the buy states poorly packed. The seller also sent me some kind of email I guess they thought would intimidate me into not filing with Paypal. That clearly failed. Right now I have it bumped as a claim with paypal. UPS will be picking up the package tomorrow to have a claim filed on or to be returned to the seller. This sellers ebay id is erecycleronline.

I will be posting more about this problem with this seller on the forums including pics and sellers emails. All you will have to do is go to those forums, and once there search the sellers ebay name in the search bar, and you will locate the thread I will have started.

Jacksonville, Arkansas

Company: Erecycleronline - Erecycler
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Garland
Address: 2747 Oakland Ave
Phone: 9724876800
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Sumpteresales Fraud by Seller and No action against seller by ebay ripoff

Robert Showalter
Ripoff, never recieved item, fraudulant Ebay
Ebay allows cheating sellers San Jose California

PayPal - EBay Company
Beware Sellers of paypal Interne

Ebay PayPal Tomat-taiwan
Recieved damaged junk and refused refund, Paypal was no help

Is nothing but a giant internet ripoff business, half the sellers on ebay are complete frauds and ebay would do nothing about it Nationwide, USA


Ebay, Paypal, Qian Fang Company
I purchased an item from qian fang company via ebay using paypal and they sent me nothing in return ripoff

Bestfastparts I Paid for item on Ebay and seller did not ship item or send tracking info as promised

Paypal - ebay
Paypal ebay seller allowed by paypal to steal money Connecticut