HH Gregg
Refund policy and abusive GM

Electronics and household app.

I spent a ton of money with HH Gregg right after Christmas (TV and Blu Ray player) and 11 days later the blu ray player broke (don't get me started on Samsung). I inquired into an exchange or refund at HHGregg, but the GM (Dan Miller) told me that 10 days was the limit - too bad - no refund. He would do an exchange, but since the unit was out of stock, it would be 30 days before they got any more players in stock.

I asked about just getting a refund so I could look elsewhere for an in stock player, but he was argumentative, impolite, unprofessional and refused to do anything for me, as I was clearly beyond the 10 day return policy (by 1 day). He looked up my account and saw that I also bought a large LCD TV that same day, but was completely disinterested in helping me, independent of how much 4 I spent.

STAY AWAY from HH Gregg - you can find much better prices elsewhere, so why pay more and get the worst customer service possible.

Company: HH Gregg
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Raleigh
Address: Briar Creek
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